

Affidavit of TOJO Hideki 東條英機宣誓供述書 #1



東条英機宣誓供述書 - 国立国会図書館デジタルコレクション (ndl.go.jp)

ARAKI, Sadao, et al 


 I, TOJO, Hideki, having been sworn on oath, hereby depose as follows: 

 1. I was born in Tokyo in 1884, and from 1905 to 1944 served as an army officer, progressing step by step from Cadet to General, strictly according to the rules regarding promotion on the usual seniority basis, and subject to all the regulations of the Japanese Army pertaining to my profession. I had no participation in politics whatsoever until July 1940, when, upon the formation of the Second KONOYE Cabinet, on 22 July, 1940, I was appointed Minister of War, (my rank at that time being Lieutenant General) and I was again selected for that portfolio in the Third KONOYE Cabinet, dating from 18 July 1941. On 18 October 1941 I received the Imperial Mandate to form a Cabinet and accepted, as any loyal subject would have done, holding at the outset the portfolios of Prime Minister, War Minister and Home Minister concurrently. (I was promoted to the rank of full General as of that date,) On 17 February 1942 I was relieved of the portfolio of Home Minister but subsequently held the portfolios of Foreign Minister, Minister of Education, Minister of Commerce and Industry, and Minister for Munitions. In February 1944, I was appointed Chief of the Army General Staff. With the resignation en bloc of my cabinet on 22 July 1944 I was relieved of all public office and placed on the reserve list. Since that date I have held no public position of any description. I was placed in a place of political responsibility on 22 July 1940 and, ironically, relieved by chance on the same date, 22 July, four years later.

 一、私は一八八四年に東京で生まれ、一九〇五年から 一九四四年まで陸軍将校として勤務し、通常の先任順位に基づく昇進規則に厳密に従い、私の職務に関する日本軍のすべての規則に従って、士官候補生から大将へと順を追って昇進致しました。私は一九四〇年七月まで政治には一切関与しておりませんでしたが、一九四〇年七月二二日に第二次近衛内閣が成立し、陸軍大臣(当時の階級は中将でした)に任命され、一九四一年七月一八日からの第三次近衛内閣で再び陸軍大臣に選任されました。一九四一年一〇月一八日、私は内閣を組閣する勅命を受け、忠実な臣民ならば当然そうしたであろう如くこれを受け入れ、当初から首相、陸軍大臣、内務大臣の職務を兼務致しました。(その日付で私は大将に昇進致しました。)一九四二年二月一七日、私は内務大臣の職を解かれましたが、その後には外務大臣、文部大臣、商工大臣、軍需大臣を歴任しました。一九四四年二月、私は陸軍参謀総長に任命されました。一九四四年七月二二日、内閣総辞職に伴い、私はすべての公職から解任され、予備役名簿に載せられました。その日以来、私はいかなる公職にも就いておりません。私は一九四〇年七月二二日に政治責任を担う地位に任ぜられましたが、皮肉なことに、偶然にもその四年後の同じ七月二二日に解任されました。

 2. I shall testify concerning those matters which took place during the period I held positions of political responsibility, and which I believe are pertinent to and of informative value to this Tribunal. I wish to emphasize at this point that whenever I employ the terms, “of responsibility”, or, “when I was in a position of responsibility”, in the subsequent paragraphs, and in my interrogations, I mean that those events or actions referred to fell within my administrative jurisdiction, and, consequently, I was in the position of being answerable for them politically, but at no time do these terms when used by me admit of any legal or criminal responsibility.


 3. There is just one point involving the period prior to luly 1940 which may require explanation, and that is, the telegram of 9 June 1937 (Ex. 672). I do not deny that I dispatched the telegram as Chief of Staff of the Kwantung Army to the Vice-Minister of War and Vice-Chief of General Staff. However, the text of that telegram as stated on page 104 of Prosecution document 0003 is obscure and is in a sense downright distorted. The Prosecution says that my words were “in reference to operations for the war against the U.S.S.R.”, but the text of that telegram actually read “from the point of view of military preparations against Soviet Russia.”


 The author of that summary, also, proceeds on the supposition that I used the phrase “deliver a blow against China by attacking Nanking”, but in reality the language used in the above telegram is “deliver a blow first of all upon the Nanking regime”. (The above corrections are based on the translation used by the Prosecution when it introduced this telegram into evidence so the false or mistaken accusations surprise me.) 


 This telegram was dispatched by the Chief of Staff of the Kwantung Army, who had the responsibility of protecting Manchukuo against a Soviet attack and preserving peace and order in Manchuria. The fact that it had not been communicated by the Commander of the Kwantung Army to either the War Minister or the Chief of the Army General Staff shows that it had no substantial political importance, but was merely in the nature of a liaison affair between subordinate officials. 


 At that time an active anti-Japanese movement was sweeping over all China; in the Peiping-Tientsin area, especially, the menace of the Chinese Communist Party, which publicly professed, to fight against Japan, and the intrigues of these Chinese Communists and other Anti-Japanese Groups had become so intense that the Japanese residents in the area were exposed to imminent danger, and assaults on their lives and properties were expected momentarily. It was judged, therefore, that if the condition was not relieved a recurrence of such incidents as Tsinan (1928) Nanking (1928) and Shanghai (1932) would be inevitable, resulting in subsequent unrest and disorder in Manchuria. The Kwantung Army, which shouldered the burden of defending Manchukuo against Soviet invasion, could not stand idly by and permit such an unstable state of affairs to ensue at its rear, and it, therefore, desired to ameliorate this abnormal and unstable situation. 


 Our paramount hope was for a final, peaceful settlement with China, but it was also considered as a prerequisite to such a peaceful settlement that China should first abandon its policy of an anti-Japanese movement. To attain this purpose, in the event of provocation, it was thought necessary at that time to deal a blow to the Nanking regime or to exert pressure through an increased armament on our side. Mere appeasement, it was felt, would only aggravate the Chinese, and this view of the Kwantung Army was communicated in my name according to the ordinary official procedure.


 But whether this suggestion should or should not be adopted, was entirely up to the Central Authorities, the Army General Staff and the War Ministry, who would decide the issue after a very thorough investigation into the current situation. As a matter of fact, the Central Authorities did not adopt this suggestion; The Lukuochian Incident (7 July 1937) had nothing to do with this proposal; the absolutely passive attitude on the part of the Japanese Central Authorities at the beginning of the Incident proves this allegation beyond any reasonable doubt.
