7. Under these circumstances, two important national policics were decided upon soon after the formation of the Cabinet. One was the “Outline of the Basic National Policy” (Ex. 541, R. 6271 and Ex. 1297, R. 11714) decided by the Cabinet Meeting of 26 July 1940. The second was the decision of the Liaison Conference entitled “Gist of Main Points in Regard to Dealing with the Situation to Meet the Change in World Conditions” dated 27 July 1940. (Ex. 1310, R. 11794) I participated in both of these decisions in my capacity as War Minister. The essence of these national policies were categorically, two. First, to settle the China Incident with all speed in order to insure stability in East Asia. Second, with reference to the pressure from America and Britain, to avoid war while preserving the sovereignty and self-existence of this country.
The foremost aspiration of the new Cabinet was to establish an enduring peace and a higher degree of prosperity in the Far East, and its second national responsibility was to maintain the independence and safety of Japan with a proper and adequate national defense.
These national policies did not contemplate in the slightest degree territorial ambitions and economic monopoly, nor did those persons formulating them even dream of acquiring control or domination of the whole world or any portion of it.
As a new member of the cabinet, these pressing problems seemed to me to be paramount of solution, and my clear duty was to assist to the best of my ability. That I had any preconceived notion or plan for aggression is entirely without foundation, and so far as I know no member of that Cabinet held any such belief.
8. The “Outline of the Basic National Policy” was drafted by the Planning Board along ideas suggested by Premier KONOYE, and was made to serve as the basis for the domestic policy of Japan. There were three essential points: (1) renovation of the domestic organization, (2) solution of the China situation, and (3) perfecting national defense. On the first point, that of renovating the domestic organization, there was some discussion in the Cabinet on educational and economic matters, but in the end it was decided as set forth in the final text. On the second point, the solution of the China Incident, there was complete unanimity of opinion to the effect that the entire resources of the country should be concentrated towards this objective. Also, with respect to practical methods, on this point coordination of civil administration with the Supreme Command was most particularly stressed. On the third point, of perfecting national defense, the view was expressed that the promotion of self-sufficiency in domestic industries and the acquisition of basic resources should be effected in order to counter-act the economic pressure of America and Britain. With respect to the New Order in Greater East Asia, there was no particular discucusion on that occasion since this project had been previously annunciated by Premier KONOYE. The interpretation of the phrase, “the lofty ideal of Hakko Ichiu on which the Empire is founded” appearing in the item of the “basic policy” (R. 6272 and 11,715) was in its purest moral connotation, that is to say, universal peace founded on moral justice. As to the Tripartite Alliance, if I remember correctly, no definite opinion was proposed by any member at the time, but it was unanimously agreed that in view of the current situation it was necessary to formulate a more flexible foreign policy.
9. The “Gist of Main Points in Regard to Dealing with the Situation to Meet the Changes in the World conditions” was, as I recall, presented by the Supreme Command, and was approved by the Liaison Conferonce on 27 July. There were two fundamental points in this “Gist” (1) ways and means for settling the China Incident, and (2) the measures for settling the problems in the southern region. In the deliberations over the “Gist”, four major issues were discussed, which were as follows:
a. Relations with Germany and Italy. Viewed from the aspects relative to the solution of the China Incident and changes in the international situation, there was an urgent necessity to extricate Japan from world isolation and place her in an impregnable position. It was reasoned that in view of the consistent attitude taken by America and Britain throughout the China Incident, that Japan should make some attempt to join hands with Germany and Italy, and arrive also at an understanding with the Soviet Union without regard to the previous course of events. At that stage there was no thought of proceeding to the extent of a tripartite treaty of alliance with Germany and Italy but merely to aim at a closer political connection with these two countries. There was some argument also favoring a drastic improvement in the relations with the Soviet Union.
(A) 独伊との関係。支那事変の解決及び国際情勢の変化から見て、日本を世界的孤立より脱却させ、強固なる地位に置く切迫した必要がありました。支那事変を通じて米英のとりたる態度に鑑み、日本は独伊と手を結び、また従前の経緯に拘らずソ連とも一定の合意に達するよう努力すべきであるとの論であります。この段階では独伊との三国同盟条約にまで進む考えはなく、単にこの二国との政治的関係の緊密化を目指すものでありました。また対ソ関係を抜本的に改善すべしとの論もあったのであります。
b. Improvement of Japanese-American Relatioris. All the members were deeply concerned with what effect the joining of hands with Germany and Italy would have on Japanese-American relations. Premier KONOYE, being fully conscious of the firm wishes of the Emperor that Japan should always be on the most friendly terms with America and Britain, was most prudent on this point, believing that friendly relations with these two countries was extremely essential to the ultimate solution of the China Incident. However, Foreign Minister MATSUOKA insisted that in view of the markedly unfriendly attitude evidenced by America and Britain since the Washington Conference that there was only one policy left for Japan to follow and that was to take a firm attitude towards both. Mr. MATSUOKA hold the view that war between Japan and America would result in the destruction of the world, and hence every effort should be made to prevent this occurence, and for that reason it was essential to improve the relations between the two countries, which in turn could be accomplished only by Japan taking a resolute position. The members decided to entrust the Foreign Minister with the responsibility of drawing up a practical plan of action.
(B) 日米関係の改善。閣僚は皆、独伊との提携が日米関係に如何なる影響を及ぼすかについて深い懸念を抱いておりました。近衛首相は、日本が常に米英と最も友好的な関係を保つべきであるとの天皇陛下の強固なる願いを完全に認識しており、この点につきましては極めて慎重であり、これら二国との友好関係は支那事変の最終的な解決にとって必要不可欠であると信じておりました。しかしながら、松岡外相はワシントン会議以来、米英両国が明瞭に非友好的な態度を示していることに鑑み、日本がとるべき政策はただ一つ、両国に対して毅然とした態度を取ることしかないと主張致しました。松岡氏は、日米戦争は世界に破滅をもたらすもので、その防止に全力を尽くすべきであり、そのためには両国との関係改善が不可欠で、これは日本が毅然とした態度を取ることによってのみ達成できるとの見解を持っておりました。閣僚らは、実際的な行動計画の作成を外務大臣に委ねることに致しました。
c. Policy vis-a-vis China. With respect to China, it was decided to prevent assistance to Chiang Kai-shek and eliminate hostile elements. This strategy was adopted because the reasons for the delay in the solution of the China Incident were thought to be, first, Chungking's underestimate of Japan's national strength, and, second, active assistance to Chiang Kai-shek by third powers. It was therefore absolutely necessary that the supply route between America and Britain and Chiang's Regime be severed.
(C) 対中国政策。中国に関しては、援蒋行為をを阻止し、敵性分子を排除することが決せられました。この方策が採用された理由は、支那事変の解決が遅れた原因は、第一に重慶が日本の国力を過小評価していたこと、第二に第三国が蒋介石を積極的に支援していたことにあると考えられていたことにあります。従って、米英と蒋介石政権との間の補給路を断つことが絶対的に必要だったのであります。
d. The Problem of the Southern Region. The strengthening of national defense against the Soviet Union, and the establishment of a self-sufficient nation were two absolutely essential problems facing Japan at that tine. The obstacles blocking the accomplishment of these crucial objectives were (1) the China Incident and (2) pressure from America and Britain. With particular reference to the second obstacle, the controlling factor to be borne in mind was that Japan relied upon America and Britain for the major portion of her imports of essential materials. Once these were cut off the very existence of the nation was endangered. Consequently this problem was viewed with the utmost concern in conjunction with the solution of the China Incident. It was believed that this critical problem could be solved only by perfecting the state of self-sufficiency through the importation of essential materials from the Southern Region. However, since the China Incident was still in progress, Japan desired above all else to exclude friction with third powers.
(D) 南方問題。ソ連に対する国防の強化と自立国家の建設、この二つは、当時の日本の直面する絶対的に重要な問題でありました。これら極めて重要な目的の達成の障害は、第一に支那事変、第二に米英からの圧迫でありました。特に第二の障害に関して言いますれば、日本が必需物資の輸入の大半を米英に依存していたことが、留意すべき支配的な要因でありました。一たびこれらが断たれたならば、国家の存立そのものが危機にさらされることになります。従って、この問題は支那事変の解決と共に最大の関心事とみなされておりました。この重大な問題は、南方地域から重要物資を輸入し自給自足の態勢を完璧にすることによってのみ解決せらるものと信念されておりました。しかしながら、支那事変が未だ進行中であったため、日本は何よりも第三国との摩擦を除くことを望んでいたのであります。
To summarize. At the time the decision on the above “Gist” was made, there was no thought whatsoever of war against America and Britain, but it was feared that regardless of Japan's wishes on this point hostile action by force of arms by America and Britain was a possibility.